Small molecules to manipulate heart function in cardiac diseases
Mentor: Anastasia Khokhlova, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Lab description: We are interested in developing novel engineering and biophysical approaches to understand the mechanisms of arrhythmias and myocardial contractility impairment in cardiovascular diseases. Specific interests focus on the interplay between cardiomyocytes and non-cardiomyocytes in the heart in the context of their mechanotransduction and remodeling in response to pathological interventions. Techniques in our lab include imaging on native cardiomyocytes, iPSC-derived cardiac tissue (from single cell to 3D cardiac organoid levels), and mathematical modeling.
1) characterization of cardiac structure and contractility using imaging techniques
2) testing of pharmacological substances to alter myocardial electrophysiology and contractility
3) development of a system to control aortic pressure for the mouse heart during the perfusion
Students would be involved in experimental design, data collection, and image analysis. Based on individual interests, students will have the opportunity to assume a more significant role in hardware or software development.